
simultaneous manipulates keys which are pressed simultaneously in 50 milliseconds.


This json defines manipulator which changes a+s+d to mission_control.

{ "description": "Pressing the a,s,d keys simultaneously launches Mission Control", "manipulators": [ { "type": "basic", "from": { "simultaneous": [ { "key_code": "a" }, { "key_code": "s" }, { "key_code": "d" } ], "modifiers": { "optional": ["any"] } }, "to": [{ "apple_vendor_keyboard_key_code": "mission_control" }] } ] }

Manipulated input #1

  • Input:
    1. a key_down
    2. s key_down
    3. d key_down
  • Output:
    1. mission_control

Manipulated input #2

  • Input:
    1. s key_down
    2. a key_down
    3. d key_down
  • Output:
    1. mission_control

Not manipulated input #1

a is released before all input events are pressed.

  • Input:
    1. a key_down
    2. s key_down
    3. a key_up
    4. d key_down
  • Output:
    1. a key_down
    2. s key_down
    3. a key_up
    4. d key_down

Not manipulated input #2

Another key (f) is pressed before all input events are pressed.

  • Input:
    1. a key_down
    2. s key_down
    3. f key_down
    4. d key_down
  • Output:
    1. a key_down
    2. s key_down
    3. f key_down
    4. d key_down

About key_up

The key_up event is posted when you release any from events.

For example, changing tab+q to mission_control works as follows.

Input Output
tab key_down —
q key_down mission_control key_down
tab key_up mission_control key_up
q key_up —

Change threshold milliseconds

You can adjust threshold on Karabiner-Elements Settings > Parameters.


It is same as adjusting basic.simultaneous_threshold_milliseconds parameter in json.